Canine Muscular Anatomy & Kinesiology (Hard copy book)


By Jean-Pierre Hourdebaigt, LMT / Par Jean-Pierre Hourdebaigt, LMT

The objective of this book is to provide an extensive overview of over 115 important muscles and corresponding fasciae involved in the canine muscular system. It is a great complement to our home-study preliminary course. For each muscle you will be given the following information: Its location, its point of origin tendon, its point of insertion tendon, its blood supply (veins & artery), its nerve supply and its action (individual or in group). This in-depth knowledge will help you to conduct better in-depth muscle evaluation, assist you with your ”origin-insertion” sport massage technique, and when taking notes and corresponding with other professionals.

(not available in French)

Availability: 71 in stock

SKU: EngCanMuscAnat Category: Tags: , , , , , ,

Canine Muscular Anatomy & Kinesiology, A Reference Manual
(Hard copy book – while supplies last)

By Jean-Pierre Hourdebaigt, LMT

The objective of this book is to provide an extensive overview of over 115 important muscles and corresponding fasciae involved in the canine muscular system. It is a great complement to our home-study preliminary course.

Weight 1 lbs
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