
🇺🇸 Canine Massage – Modules 1,2&3

Original price was: $597.00.Current price is: $450.00.

Buy our canine massage courses in one convenient bundle and pay less!

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Buy our canine massage courses in one convenient bundle and pay less!
– Module 1 educates you in simple and efficient Massage Movements Techniques and Routines to care for your dog well being and fitness regardless of age and condition. It also includes gentle Stretching Exercises as well as Heat/Cold applications.
– Module 2 presents more advanced Massage Movements and the Swelling Massage Technique, as well as educates you on the Inflammation process and its different three stages, teaches you on the Canine Kinesiology – the muscles responsible for the various movements of the dog.
– Module 3 presents you three new important Massage Movements, the Trigger Point and Stress Point Sport Massage Techniques, as well as Scar Tissue Management to further your education on Canine Sport Massage Therapy.

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